The Show Goes On in 2021

Courtesy of Mrs. Panvini, the head of the theatre department at Overbook

Official flyer for Overbrook’s Spring musical, Working!

Julius Perez

Even with the uncertainty caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the show goes on at Overbrook High School with its newest production Working: A Musical. This uniquely robust show explores the lives of the distinct and prominent American workers of the present. Overbrook Drama is determined to bring the production to fruition despite the current obstacles and challenges affecting the theatre industry and close proximity activities as a whole. In a statement given by Drama director Ms. Panvini, she affirms that she is “very thankful to be given the opportunity to have musical theatre after last year’s cancelation”. Everyone involved in the production is incredibly excited and positive about what is being achieved in spite of the friction.

My experience as an actor in the production has been one filled with overwhelming positivity. All of the hands involved in bringing us to success have been uplifting ones, and I hold great esteem for the fantastic people giving it their all to make this happen. A lot is being done to ensure the safety of the cast and crew and the integrity of the production, as only 100 patrons will be allowed per night to abide by COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. It is a peculiar experience being part of a show during the pandemic, though we are still finding good progress while reaching many achievements working with all of the amazing people and resources we have. Ms. Panvini asserts that this particular show “is an important one [as] it represents the everyman in our country; everyone will find someone in the show to relate to” — a much-needed and unifying portrayal in a time when we cannot feel further apart.

The musical is planned to premiere at 7 p.m on Thursday, May 13th, Friday, May 14th, and Saturday, May 15th in the Overbrook High School auditorium. Information for the tickets can be found at We hope to see you there!